Monday, March 30, 2015

System Update: Coming change to remove the option to toggle feedback questions in curriculum packages

In order to streamline the logic of when feedback questions appear on evaluation forms, we will be removing the option to toggle feedback in the curriculum package set up and will be adopting the same business logic that is currently used for forms set up in the evaluation workflow.  This update will take place on Wednesday April 8th.

What are feedback questions?
Feedback questions are configured on a group by group basis and are the questions that we ask the targets and/or evaluators at the end of evaluation forms. The questions are usually whether the target and evaluator had a face to face meeting and if the target agrees with the evaluation.
NOTE: feedback questions will only be asked if they are activated for a group.

What will be the business logic for when these questions appear on evaluation forms?
There will be three possible feedback scenarios (NOTE: If feedback questions are turned off for the evaluator and/or target in an individual group, that would override what is outlined below):

1. Neither the target nor the evaluator is asked feedback questions – this occurs when the target of the evaluation is not a resident or student (ex. attending, course, admin, rotation, survey, etc…), when the form is a self evaluation, and when the target (resident/student) will not see the results of the evaluation.
2. Only the target is asked feedback questions – this occurs when the evaluation is a peer evaluation (student evaluates student or resident evaluates resident), when a resident completes an anonymous evaluation of the student and any time that a student evaluates a resident. To maintain confidentiality, the target responses to the feedback questions do not appear on completed evaluations (and therefore in certain reports). The responses can only be viewed in a form data export.
3. Both the evaluator and target are asked feedback questions – this occurs when the evaluator is an attending or an admin, and when a resident completes a non-anonymous evaluation of a student.

What will happen for forms that have already been sent?
There won’t be any change for forms that have been sent in the past.  If you had sent forms with the option to send feedback to evaluators on, the feedback scenario is similar to #3 above.  If you had sent forms with the option to send feedback to evaluators off, the feedback scenario is similar to #2 above.  This means that you will not have the ability to report on the feedback questions asked of targets.  If you wish to see the target’s feedback on completed forms, please contact us to help you.

What if I do not want to send feedback questions to the evaluator?
If you do not wish to send feedback questions to the evaluators in curriculum packages, please contact us and we will turn off these feedback questions for your group.

If you have any further questions, please contact our support team.