Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The new and improved EPA Achievement Report

With the release of the EPA Achievement Report [now EPA Status Report] in November, Competence Committee members, Program Directors and Administrators, as well as Learners were (and still are) able to see, at a glance, a Learner’s progress in obtaining observations of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs).

Now, with the new EPA Achievement Report, Competence Committee members, Program Directors and Administrators, as well as Learners, can now see a Learner’s progress in obtaining observations of EPAs in the context of each EPA’s unique assessment plan.

We’ve retained Evaluation Status from the EPA Status Report, so programs can continue to monitor issues with requesting and completing EPAs, seeing at a glance if learners are asking to be assessed, and if assessors are completing their forms per EPA.

This report is currently in beta, and available to select customers. If you would like to have access to this report, please contact support@one45.com.

Once you have access, the report is available from the eDossier of the learner you would like to report on > Reports Center > EPA Achievement Report:

Once you choose a date and an EPA to report on, the report will load:

For a detailed overview of the report and setting up the assessment plan please visit the support resource: Report Center: EPA Achievement Report

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

EPA Achievement Report is now the EPA Status Report

Our initial goal had been to bolster the EPA Achievement Report with assessment plans and deprecate the initial tabular report, but based on feedback from customers, we’re keeping both reports!

The tabular report you’ve been using showed a quick summary of a count of how many times each EPA has been sent, completed, met a minimum overall score, as well as how often it was deleted or expired. It also displayed the number of required observations at a minimum score.

This report is now known as the EPA Status Report, to better reflect its purpose.

Based on feedback we’ve received, we have also renamed the column “Observations of achievement” to “EPAs with min. score of x” where x is your institution’s preference for the minimum score to be considered for entrustment.

If you’re looking for a deeper dive into EPAs, there will be a new EPA Achievement Report available in beta later this month.

For more information about the EPA Status Report please see the support resource called: How do I see a summary of how many times an EPA has been sent/saved, completed, and achieved